conscious adj. 1.有意识的,有知觉的;神志清醒的。 2.自觉的,自己知道的,明明知道的 (of; that); 有意的,故意的。 3.(痛苦、感情、冷气等)感觉得到的;意识到的。 4.=self-conscious. 5.有…意识的〔常用以构成复合词〕。 Man is a conscious being. 人是有意识的生物。 He became conscious. 他清醒[苏醒]了。 a hardly conscious movement 不自觉[自然而然]的动作。 be [become] conscious of 意识到。 be conscious of one's own blame 自知理亏。 be too conscious极腼腆。 the conscious simper 忸怩的强笑。 with a conscious air 故作谦虚地。 with conscious superiority 带着故作高人一等的神气。 adv. -ly
Now , the recollection may not surface to the conscious level ; the personality may have no awareness of the memory , in fact 如果这种唤起还没有达到显意识的层次,这个个体也许并不意识到这种记忆的存在。
Through divine intervention , the conscious mind is protected while the unconscious mind from which it sprung , is withdrawn below the conscious level 通过神圣干预,意识头脑受到保护,而产生意识的潜意识头脑撤回至意识层之下。
Shamanic approach raises unconscious conflicts and resistances to a conscious level , where they can develop freely and find resolution 原始宗教路径将无意识的的冲突和抵抗与有意识行为相对立。原始宗教路径将会发展成一种独立的解决方法。
As one embodies all 144 glyphs of the language of light , one transcends all destructive patterns on all planes of reality : conscious , subconscious and unconscious and masters a fully conscious level of evolution 当融入所有144个光之语的符号,你就超越了实相所有层面的所有破坏性模式:意识的、潜意识的和无意识的,并掌握了进化的全意识水平。
According to heath , brand communications fell mostly into the second category : although often ignored at the conscious level , they were absorbed through an automatic , subconscious mental activity known as low involvement processing 希思认为,品牌交流主要属于第二种范畴:尽管它们经常在意识层面上被忽视,但它们通过一种被称为低度参与过程的自动潜意识行为被吸收。
As one embodies all 144 glyphs of the language of light , one transcends all destructive patterns on all planes of reality : conscious , subconscious and unconscious and masters a fully conscious level of evolution 因为“一”体现了全部的144个光之语符号, “一”在所有实相的计划上都超越了破坏性的模式:无论在有意识、潜意识还是无意识上,抑或在去掌握一个演化之整体意识的等级上。